To My Daddy

Last night, as Hannah and I sat on my couch chatting life, a big maroon truck pulled up, a trailer towing behind.  Dad – like the landscaping calvary – was bringing a load of mulch.  This happens a lot – like today. 9am, I”m at my desk, and I...

Fibonacci on the Farm

from today’s 1000 words about the farm.  I see that the stumps which were cut long ago have furred themselves with moss, and I can’t help but wish that fairies lived among them. In college as a writing tutor, I once read numerous student papers on chaos...

Nothing Like a Rocker

This morning, as I stood preparing my breakfast of biscuits and honey, this was my view. Now, don’t you just want to come by and enjoy a rock on the...

The Dream of God’s Whisper

My vision for this place is that it will become a retreat for people who need respite. While my dream is specifically to provide a work, rest, and performance space for writers and musicians, I also want to give a space to anyone who just needs a little place to step...

Good Morning!

It’s a perfect morning here at God’s Whisper.  Bright blue sky, golden sun.  I hope to see you coming up this drive...