by Andi | Aug 10, 2011 | Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
I want there to be a word – something full of sound on my tongue – that captures this feeling that comes when we do what we love. A word like zeitgeist or salam/shalom, a word that carries more than its literal translation. Passion doesn’t work... by Andi | Jul 21, 2011 | Andi's Book, Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
“Is it made of real gold?” he asked, and everyone in that small room of the museum smiled. We were standing before the Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw and the Massachusetts 54th Regiment, the first all African-American regiment... by Andi | Jul 14, 2011 | Uncategorized
I love liminal things. Fall and spring. Dawn and dusk. The first moments of introduction and those lingering seconds before the goodbye. Maybe this is why I love essays so much: they sit in the space between things – not poems but not stories, not formally... by Andi | Jul 9, 2011 | Book Recommendations, Teaching Triumphs and Travails, Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
“You could buy that one,” S says, as we drive around Breckenridge on our way to dinner. photo © 2009 Luis Toro | more info (via: Wylio) “That one” is a tiny blue house that can only be really termed a shack, but I love it the minute I see it.... by Andi | Jul 9, 2011 | Book Recommendations, Teaching Triumphs and Travails, Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
“You could buy that one,” S says, as we drive around Breckenridge on our way to dinner. photo © 2009 Luis Toro | more info (via: Wylio) “That one” is a tiny blue house that can only be really termed a shack, but I love it the minute I see it....