The Wild West, Part 1 – A Guest Post by Jansen Herr

I have to hand it to my parents. They knew what they were doing. It didn’t seem like it at the time, but in hindsight, they did. In an effort to show us the diversity and sheer mammoth size of this great country of ours, we did a circuit tour of the interior states....

The Death of Osama bin Laden Saddens Me

“I don’t celebrate any person’s death. Sorry.” – Khadijah Queen That’s the line I read when I opened my Facebook page last night, and thank God that is was the first thing I saw. It set the context for all the other things I read,...

A Call to Harms – Guest Post by Jansen Herr

In the very first edition of my attempt to spread propaganda across the world, I alluded to the fact that I came to a sort of epic realization on the journey to The Islands. These past few weeks I’ve focused on several topics, all with an underlying theme. An astute...