by Andi | Apr 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
As I drove home from work yesterday I passed a beautiful woman jogging along the road. Normally delighted by this prospect, this time I was left with a certain disappointment as I believe it was an ex-girlfriend of mine. I didn’t expect that. I also didn’t... by Andi | Apr 20, 2011 | Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
I’ve written much about the wilderness on this blog. It seems that like me, many of my friends find themselves in a wilderness as well; we are wandering, seeking the trail we are meant to follow, questioning the paths that led us here. So when my friend Jeff... by Andi | Apr 18, 2011 | Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
This post started out as the “Top Ten Places I Wanted to Visit in the U.S.,” but quickly it became clear that the National Parks held the most interest for me. I have been fortunate enough to visit many of our great parks, but there’s still a few... by Andi | Apr 18, 2011 | Uncategorized, Written and Wrought
This post started out as the “Top Ten Places I Wanted to Visit in the U.S.,” but quickly it became clear that the National Parks held the most interest for me. I have been fortunate enough to visit many of our great parks, but there’s still a few... by Andi | Apr 10, 2011 | Uncategorized
She is wearing a white baseball cap, a green shirt, and that denim skirt she wore a lot when I was in high school. In her right hand is a tub of vanilla yogurt; in her left, a bowl, blue I think. She is smiling as she walks toward me. I smile back. Then, I wake up to...