by Andi | Jun 14, 2017 | Andi's Book, Written and Wrought
If there’s one thing I really despise in this wonderful writing world I am blessed to be a part of it’s one-size-fits-all writing advice . . . and if I can be granted the courtesy of one more pet peeve on this Wednesday morning, I’d add that I loathe... by Andi | Jun 7, 2017 | Book Recommendations, Written and Wrought
I’ll be honest: I haven’t thought much at all about book marketing in the past few months. Between infertility treatments and, blessing on blessing, my pregnancy, I just haven’t had much space beyond my daily work of editing and coaching, tending the... by Andi | May 31, 2017 | God's Whisper, Workshop, Written and Wrought
When I was a teenager, Mom and I saw a book with a bulldog named Zelda on it. It was full of aphorisms – mostly really funny ones, especially when paired with a wrinkly dog with an underbite. But one struck both of us as very true: There is no stress. Only... by Andi | May 24, 2017 | Garden, Goats, God's Whisper, Great Pyrenees, Meander, Written and Wrought
In my faith tradition, we often talk about refilling the cup or the well, this need to resupply ourselves with energy, with rest, with the things that inspire. For writers – or artists of any sorts – this refilling, this determination to resupply is... by Andi | May 17, 2017 | Andi's Book, animals, Garden, God's Whisper, Written and Wrought
This morning, I woke at 5:30, started the coffee, fed the dogs, and went out the door. I came in an hour later with three cabbages, a tray of strawberries, and a mess of mustard greens, swiss chard, spinach and lettuce. Then, I prepared breakfast, grabbed a quick...