When I take away all the hype – the promotion, the share tools, the photos. When I pull back from thinking about markets and followers and the genre into which some publishing assistant somewhere will forever slot my book in the midst of a few minutes thought. When I step down from all the shouting and sharing. . . . I want my words to sound like this. 

Trust me when I say this video is worth your time.

I want it to be my words that matter.  I want them to be what curves tendrils around hearts, what tugs new thoughts, what pushes with gentle strength against limited visions.

I want them to haunt . . . linger . . . echo, like Marvin Gaye’s voice.

That’s something for which to aspire . . . not numbers or sales, not RTs or shares.  The ability to strip it all down and be heard in an empty room.

May I be so blessed.

How do you want to be heard?

A little bonus for you – the newest Mr. Rogers Re-mix. “There’s so much in this world we can learn, no matter how old or young we are.”


In my August newsletter, I’ll be offering two half-price seats in each of my upcoming online writing workshops. To be eligible to win one, be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter by entering your email in the box at the upper-right of this page.  Plus, I’ll be sharing my Top Ten Essay Collections.  I hope you’ll sign up.